Clients Lets Chat

An opportunity to discuss your likes, dislikes, travel background and interests in order to make a phenomenal memorable experience.

3 Way Call

3 way call for PlanNet Marketing reps and their prospects. Please confirm your prospect has watched 100% of the Big Picture video or equivalent. Please be prepared to take notes. About Jennae Pitts: Jennae Pitts started her travel business in May 2018, and has personally helped over 40 families become entrepreneurs. As of today she and her team has helped over 70 families position themselves for financial freedom by starting a home based travel business. Jennae is a USARMY (R) Major and a single mom of four. She loves to help people, loves to have fun, and knows 100% of the facts about this opportunity.

1:1 Coaching

One on one business coaching for business partners. Please be prepared to take notes. I am expecting you to call me during the scheduled tie, so please be prompt so we can stay on schedule.

Travel Party/PBR

Travel Party or Private Business Reception either in person or virtual.

Welcome Call

Call for existing business partner to introduce me to their new business partner

New Business Partner Orientation

Orientation for new business partners

Touch Base (New Business Partner)

30 minute check in with new business partner

Exclusive Business Launch

Business Launch for New Business Partners, conducted via Facebook and Zoom. Please specify which platform in the notes.